Calamity-prone — urban India’s worrying storyline

 HE recent floods in Bengaluru have Unfortunately, pictures of adverse weather phenomena bringing a city to its knees are urban authorities concerned finding themselves damages, Mumbai reportedly lost ₹14,000 crores Piecemeal solutions, old masterplans More often than not, river/drain cleanup measures, Anti encroachment drives, public and the media. after flooding in Bengaluru last year. piecemeal solutions to systemic problems stemming from a lack of climate consciousness in the planning processes. Unfortunately, the dearth of climate mitigation measures in urban planning Bengaluru has not had a master plan to control Across India, 65% of urban settlements do not have a master plan.

Venkat Jaya Gopi 

Young Leaders for Active Citizenship (YLAC)

these exist, they usually do not address issues of environmental protection or talk of climate 2021), powers to prepare master plans remain with State governments, with city governments While some city administrations have developed drainage/flood mitigation plans, these master plan. The Drainage Master Plan for Delhi was drafted 46 years ago, in 1976, and a new plan is only just drainage lines, as per the 2015 Master Plan, vary significantly from the drains mapped by the agencies/departments at the State and city level. It is no wonder then that city planning and Flaws in action plans Over the last few years, city administrations such others) have begun adopting climate action plans. The Mumbai plan is particularly ambitious, However, as the plan lacks any likely to render it toothless.

Venika Menon

Young Leaders for Active Citizenship (YLAC)

Finally, these plans further reduce the plan`s credibility. encroachments — which disproportionately affect measures that can be adopted. Processes need to be institutionalized comprehensive climate action plan for all key Indian cities and to give these plans statutory city`s master plan. processes such as public consultations within the plan preparation process.

Further, there is a need for an environmental action possible, this agency would need to be different cities. Unless we address India`s urban planning issues on a priority, the country`s next calamity more likely.  
